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Can We Spot Reduce?

Are you dreaming of achieving a well-defined body shape? Do you want to lose weight from specific parts of the body?

If so, you aren’t alone. Most of the people that we work with here at FCF are interested in “fixing” a particular area or two of their body.

In general most want to lose weight from certain areas of their body, for example, belly, armpits, arms, thighs, etc.

Most of these people want to tone down their belly fat and look for quick fixes. A few people also look for surgery to reduce certain fatty areas.

Losing weight is a taxing and challenging task - it requires a lot of physical effort, along with maintaining self-discipline, changing your lifestyle and opting for healthy diet plans.

There is no quick fix and those surgeries while they may work in the short term it’s no uncommon for those problem areas to come right back because surgery doesn’t’ address the actual issue. It’s literally putting a bandaid on it.

What is spot reduction?

In recent times, a new phenomenon has been coined known as 'spot reduction.'

It is also sometimes called ‘targeted weight loss’ and it is a relatively new idea.

The phenomenon involves working out in specific ways to eliminate fats from a specific portion of the body.

But s this actually possible?

Perhaps the most famous example of this type of exercises is crunches. I can’t tell you the number of people who swear by doing hundreds, even thousands of crunches a day yet never seem to lose the “belly”.

I’ve even seen some trainers & those so called "fitness influencers" suggest that a person can lose midsection body weight by doing a specific set of crunches.

Those my friends are the trainers you want to avoid because they aren’t telling you what you need to hear, they’re telling you what you want to hear.

Many research studies have been conducted on spot-reduction, but none have not found substantial evidence supporting it.

Read that again my friends… NONE of them have proven that spot reduction is possible.

Spot Reduction: Myth or Reality?

With the exception of liposuction and other surgeries for targeted weight loss, spot reduction is a myth.

While a few studies have “supported” it, they aren’t actual peer reviewed studies with merit.

Why? Because they are too generalized… they tend to fail to consider the fact that every person has a different body.

Weight can only be lost if the calories burnt are greater than calorie intake. You cannot target a specific area and lose fats within that particular section.

When a body burns fat, it does not choose the muscles and fats to be burnt first. The whole body loses weight at the same pace.

Why is spot reduction impossible?

Working out increases the body’s metabolism and burns fat. A person generally gains mass on the stomach initially and when embarking on a weight loss journey, they tend to lose most weight from that same spot but also the rest of their body. This does not support the spot reduction theory.

Why was there a hype of spot reduction?

In a nutshell, it’s marketing pure and simple. The fitness/diet industry knows that most people have an area or two that they want to “fix” so they market that fix to you in hopes of getting your business.

Spot reduction is a mere hype promoted by a few advertisers and “coaches”, most of whom don’t have any actual knowledge in Nutrition or Fitness.

Many trainers devised programs for spot reduction techniques and advertised weight loss pills.

All of these are mainly money-making businesses, and they had no evidence supporting their proposed outcomes.

These weight loss supplements might even be detrimental to vital organs of the human body.

Other advertisers promoted a cream that could speed up the process of losing weight in certain areas. These claims have also been widely dismissed in recent studies.

So how do you reduce?

Well, we’re going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. It’s what we do and we’d rather be honest and lose someone’s potential business than flat out lie to them to make money.

You reduce by doing the things we so often talk about:

· opt for a healthy lifestyle;

· exercise regularly;

· have a healthy diet;

· incorporate strength training in your routine;

· perform cardio exercises;

· stay hydrated;

· get adequate sleep;

· reduce stress;

· maintain a weight journal.

Remember…There are no shortcuts or easy ways out when trying to lose weight. Ultimately it comes down to burning more calories than you eat…period!

You must put in genuine and consistent efforts if you want to achieve your dream body.

Need H.E.L.P? That’s what we do. Our Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Weightloss Program is designed to teach you how to lose weight and feel great without resorting to gimmicks or starving yourself.

We’ll show you how to enjoy real foods, the foods you love in the right amounts so you not only lose weight and feel great but do so without feeling deprived.

Want to find out more? Visit: for more info.


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