Do you want to appear younger and healthier? I mean who doesn’t right?
Aging is a natural process, but a person can defer it by adopting a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We often spend a fortune on beauty products but neglect our diet.
A person can look younger by applying makeup and donning a beautiful hairstyle. However, a far more effective way to keep yourself looking and feeling young and healthy, is to focus more on developing healthy eating habits.
As is often said, “You are what you eat” so keep yourself healthy and you will look healthy!
There are many foods that you should incorporate into your diet but here are some of the most important one when it comes to looking and feeling better:

1. Olive Oil
2. Low-fat dairy products;
3. Water;
4. Green tea;
5. Fish;
6. Vegetables;
7. Fruits;
8. Nuts;
9. Flax-seeds.
Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is believed to lubricate the skin and make it plumper and younger. One should try to avoid processed oils and saturated fats. When oils are processed at high temperatures, they tend to lose their essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential to keep a person healthy. Olive oil reduces the risk of many diseases including cancer and heart attack. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil help in protecting the skin from UV rays.
Low-fat Dairy Products
A healthy intestine has a positive impact on a person’s appearance. Dairy products contain vitamin A and calcium which are highly beneficial for the skin. However, one must opt for low-fat dairy products to avoid gaining excessive weight. Acidophilus are a type of probiotic (“good” bacteria) present in low-fat yogurt. These bacteria are responsible for maintaining a healthy intestine and digestive system.
The human body is made up of more than 60 percent of water. A person should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Water helps remove waste from cell membranes and, in return, it makes the skin look plumper, younger and healthier. Drinking sufficient water also prevents pimples on the skin.
Green Tea
Green tea aids in weight loss and food digestion. It is beneficial for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Green tea curbs down the appetite hence helping to reduce weight as well. The anti-inflammatory properties protect the cell membranes and keep the skin healthy. Polyphenols are antioxidants present in green tea that fight heart diseases and diabetes.
Fish, especially salmon, is believed to be a great source of fatty acids. Research indicates that fatty acids are essential for healthy cell membranes. Good quality cells can retain water in them and, as a result, the skin looks younger and fresher.
A person should consume at least three to five servings of vegetables daily. They are low in calories and assist in maintaining a healthy weight. Carotenoids like beta carotene are present in carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. These carotenoids help in fighting the damage caused by UV rays present in sun radiation.
Fruits rich in antioxidants are believed to have a clear impact on a person’s skin. Fruits belonging to the ‘berries’ group like strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries have high antioxidant properties.
Essential fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-6 are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Walnuts are rich in these fatty acids that aid in repairing the arteries and assist in keeping a healthy heart.
Lignan and omega-3 fatty acids are present in flaxseeds. Studies indicate that women who consumed flaxseeds or flax oil for 12 weeks had plumper and fresher skin. Omega-3 fights the sun radiations leaving skin smoother and younger-looking.

Bottom Line
You can create a better-looking and younger version of yourself by following the dietary advice given in this article.
Along with a healthy diet don’t forget to regularly exercise! A healthier and younger-looking version of yourself with greater confidence and self-esteem awaits...