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Benefits of Protein Supplements

Protein.. if there’s one thing we find when working with people over 50 on their fitness it’s

that most of them don’t get anywhere near enough protein in their diet.

In fact many don’t even hit the absolute minimums (generally 50-60 grams) let alone what they should actually be striving for (.8-1.2g per pound of bodyweight).

And we get it trying to get that much protein is difficult but one of the best ways to help you along is with protein supplementation.

For decades, protein supplements have solely been consumed by athletes, bodybuilders, and those who indulge in heavy exercise routines.

It might have been a sports supplement used to enhance muscles but, nowadays, a lot of health-conscious individuals are using protein shakes in their diets because they’re easy to make and can be quite tasty too!

Protein supplements have various benefits and can be found in the form of powder, solid food, or fluid formulation.

Many people over 50 supplment to help them maintain or lose weight, as well as to increase or maintain their muscle mass.

Some other benefits include;


Those who struggle to meet their daily protein requirements can use supplements as an alternative instead of focusing on other sources like meat.

Muscle Maintenance/Gain

As we get older we naturally start to lose muscle mass. And that gets compounded when we don’t eat enough protein to allow our body to maintain what it has. Protein supplements may help if you want to gain/maintain lean muscle.

Recovery After Exercise

In addition to muscle growth, protein supplements can help in repairing damaged tissues and muscles. During workouts, the body naturally directs amino acids and energy to support muscle contractions. After the workout, your muscles go through a recovery phase. Drinking a protein supplement after the workout can help soothe muscles that may have been damaged during the exercise.

The supplement can also help in speeding up the recovery of sore muscles by reducing muscle damage and enhancing muscle performance and protein synthesis.

It Helps With Muscle Growth And Recovery

Taking protein supplements will not only build and strengthen your muscles, but it can also prevent muscle breakdown. Combining exercise and regular activity with high protein intake will promote muscle growth and strengthening.

High-quality protein supplements are rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and contain essential amino acids. One of the BCAAs (Leucine) plays a crucial role in stimulating muscle growth and recovery after endurance and resistance training. As such, protein shakes, for instance, are very convenient for active agers who are always on-the-go.

It Promotes Satiety And Boosts Metabolism

Proteins will make you feel fuller than fats and carbohydrates. The supplement’s ability to reduce hunger levels and appetite helps in the reduction of calorie intake, which is a key factor for those trying to achieve weight loss.

Along with the reduction of appetite, taking protein supplements boosts metabolism. Your body utilizes energy to digest and make use of nutrients in the food you consume.

This is referred to as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), and protein’s thermic effect is greater than that of fats and carbohydrates. If you are looking to lose belly fat or want to get the ideal body composition, consider replacing carbs with protein.

As we said protein is key to a happy healthy body. For most striving to hit 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight will yield the best results.



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